The year 2020 was the year of our 20th anniversary at Amex Logistics. It was also the year we took another step towards becoming more sustainable, with investments to make our business ready for the coming years. What has happened in the past 12 months?

Moving to Lelystad

The ‘Am’ of Amex stands for the Dutch town of Amersfoort, where we started our business. September 2019 we moved to Lelystad to spread our wings further. On our new address on Pascallaan, we finally had the opportunity to add a coldstore to our services, in line with our objective to become a full-service logistics partner.

Celebrating our 20th anniversary

On the 1st of March, it was exactly 20 years ago that Jaap started Amex Logistics. Millions of kilometres later, the business has turned into an all-round logistics service provider with a solid customer base that is still growing.

Chilling with benefits

To optimize our facilities for refrigerated and frozen storage, we replaced the cooling installation in Lelystad. More reliability, more capacity and lower energy costs: what more could a sustainable company want?

Investing in sustainable mobility

Electric vehicles are not yet a realistic option for freight transport, but it is for our regular transport. By replacing three company cars for electric vehicles, we are taking the next step towards sustainability.

Cycling to work

To further reduce the use of cars, Amex Logistics introduced a bike plan for the employees. Not only good for the environment but also better for the vitality of our employees.

The start or our own ‘energie company’

In order to become more sustainable, we are making the best use of the entire building: 1,200 solar panels are placed on the roof. Not enough to make our entire business operation energy-neutral yet, but we are pleased that this already provides 100% of our own electricity needs.

Plans for 2021

If you stand still, you go backwards. This applies to many things, but certainly to the transportation sector. Therefore, we are already looking ahead to the next 12 months. By obtaining the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) certificate, we will expand our possibilities for food storage. In 2021, the Good Distribution Practice (GDP) accreditation will be added to the list. Great news for the contractors in the pharma sector. Becoming more sustainable will remain our priority: next year we hope to become a Star 2 member of the Lean & Green Europe program.